Important Information: This product is not for the treatment of disease or medical conditions. Please ensure you keep hydrated and consume electrolytes as part of a healthy diet and active lifestyle. Do not use this product for longer than 28 days without medical advice. If you experience any adverse reactions discontinue use and consult your physician. Following 28 days of use, a break of at least 14 days should be taken before resuming use of the product. Bootea BedtimeTea may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives due to possible changes in bowel movement. This can be avoided through taking oral contraceptives in the evening rather than in the morning when using the Bedtime Tea. Keep Out of reach of children and if consumed by a child contact your physician. If you are on any medication (including corticosteroids, diuretics) or suffer from or have a history of intestinal obstruction, inflammatory intestinal diseases, appendicitis, diarrhoea, constipation or abdominal discomfort do not use this product. If you are sensitive to senna or sennosides often found in over the counter laxatives do not use this product. Do not use if you currently consume liquorice or use laxatives. Do not use if you are under the age of 18, or if you are pregnant or lactating.