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Eating Plan

We have never and will never tell you that Bootea alone is a magic formula to meet your weight loss goals. As with anything, balance is key and we have therefore created a flexible eating plan which helps to optimise the weight loss process and get you on your way to a healthier you. We provide various healthy options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. We do NOT advocate an ‘eat less’ policy!. If you're following this plan and you find yourself still hungry we recommend adding in another snack or two from our healthy options list to keep you going.


(If this link doesn’t open in your Internet browser, try right clicking the link and selecting ‘Save Link As’. This will download the PDF file to your computer).


If I do not follow the eating plan will I still achieve good results?

Yes. We know everyone is different so we don’t want to force you to eat something you don’t like. You will achieve results if you create your own eating plan.